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AFCC is unique as a professional association as its members do not all share a common profession. AFCC members are members of the judiciary, lawyers, mediators, psychologists, researchers, academics, counselors, Court Commissioners, custody evaluators, psychiatrists, parenting coordinators, Court Administrators, social workers, parent educators, financial professionals, and students.

The Association of Family and Conciliation Courts ("AFCC") is an international network of professionals assisting in the family law arena. AFCC has several chapters in the United States of America, Australia and Canada. AFCC members share a strong commitment to education, innovation and collaboration in order to benefit communities, empower families and promote a healthy future of children. There are presently 23 chapters of the AFCC. Alberta officially gained its chapter status in 2015. The Alberta Chapter of the AFCC gained incorporation status under the Societies Act of the Government of Alberta, and is a registered charity under the Canada Income Tax Act. The AFCC Alberta Chapter acts as a non-profit organization. 

Alberta AFCC provides its members with a variety of benefits; conferences, webinars and training in relevant areas such as Parenting Coordination, Arbitration, reviewing Alberta Court of King's Bench Family Practice Notes 7 and 8 ("PN7 and PN8 interventions"), lunch and learns, and dinner meetings in both Calgary and Edmonton. Along with funds from the parenting organization, Alberta AFCC has provided scholarships to AFCC and Alberta AFCC conferences, and awards a free membership, on merit, once each year. A self-identified list of Parenting Experts conducting interventions or assessments under the Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench Family Law Practice Notes 7 and 8 was created for the benefit of Albertans (the "Referral List"). The Referral List is one of the only resources recognized by the Court of Queen's Bench as providing a roster of psychologists and social workers who conduct various PN7 interventions in Alberta. 

Members of the AFCC Alberta Chapter are committed to bettering family reconciliation in the beautiful province of Alberta.

Family reading
Mission Vision Values


AFCC is an interdisciplinary, international association of professionals dedicated to improving the lives of children and families through the resolution of family conflict.
AFCC promotes a collaborative approach to serving the needs of children among those who work in and with family law systems, encouraging education, research and innovation and identifying best practices.


A justice system in which all professionals work collaboratively through education, support, and access to services to achieve the best possible outcome for children and families.


Collaboration and respect among professions and disciplines.
Learning through inquiry, discussion and debate.
Innovation in addressing the needs of families and children in conflict.
Diversity in family structures
and cultures.
Empowering families to resolve conflict and make decisions about their future.
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Board of Directors


Past President Statement
President's Message

Message from the AFCC Alberta Chapter Past-President,

Judith Lake C. Med.


Hello.  I am so excited and grateful to be able to play a role in this wonderful organization.  I have been a member of AFCC since 2012 and have found the resources and opportunities invaluable.  As a mediator, most of my work is done in isolation.  Before joining AFCC, I rarely had a chance to talk with others outside the mediation world who were providing assistance to those going through separation and divorce and experiencing family conflict.  I had many questions: What happened to mediated agreements if they were used in court?  What might I include or do differently that would be helpful to lawyers creating minutes of settlement?  What is most important to share with mediation clients looking for counselling services for themselves and their children?  Being a part of AFCC has provided the answers to these questions and many more.

I have benefitted greatly from AFCC’s interdisciplinary focus.  The amazing conferences and webinars, as well as my continuous engagement with many members of AFCC, have helped me stay current and connected.  The quarterly Family Court Review, for example, has been invaluable as a source of information when creating mediation training and when educating myself and challenging my own viewpoints.  The Resource Center is one of my go-to websites, a place I can send clients for trusted internet resources.  Our informal Edmonton Supper Club gatherings have been a golden opportunity to get some of my questions answered and to have enthusiastic discussions with those lawyers, social workers, judges, counsellors, parent coordinators, court workers … so many dedicated professionals trying to improve the lives of children and families dealing with family law issues.  And last but not least, serving on the AFCC Alberta Board has been one of my favorite AFCC activities so far.  Every month I am fortunate to meet with an amazing group of people willing to share their time and knowledge with the shared goal of improving the resolution of family conflict.  I would encourage everyone to not only join AFCC, but to also to get involved in the Board and Committee work and connect with our many gifted members.  The benefits are amazing!

- Judith Lake, C. Med, 

AFCC Alberta Chapter Past President

A Brief History
eileen ailon calgary.jpg

Eileen Ailon


Eileen has been a Registered Psychologist since 1975. She has been in private practice since 1980, bringing a wide range of skills and experience to the firm. Additionally, she is a trained Mediator and believes these skills are invaluable in the broadening arenas of conflict resolution.



The Association of Family and Conciliation Courts is an interdisciplinary and international association of professionals dedicated to improving the lives of children and families through the resolution of family conflict. AFCC members share a strong commitment to education, innovation and collaboration in order to benefit communities, empower families and promote a healthy future of children.  Attending AFCC trainings and conferences, generally located in various cities in the USA, contributed to a significant base of professionals in Alberta, believing that membership in AFCC was helpful to the point of being a requisite to working with families in transition and especially those who were in conflict.

At an AFCC Annual Conference in Vancouver B.C., in 2011, several Albertans were invited to the dinner celebration, for the Ontario Chapter of AFCC coming into being. Their excitement as the first Canadian AFCC Chapter, was contagious. After a terrifying but exhilarating taxi ride back to the conference hotel, several Alberta delegates agreed that as we had survived the “kamikaze” taxi driver, we could take on the Chapter building task. We decided that if Ontario could form a Chapter, then Alberta could absolutely do so…and the rest is history.

The parent organization and the Ontario Chapter were incredibly generous with their assistance as we progressed from concept to fruition. We applied for our Provisional Chapter Status on August 15 of 2012. We worked through the parent organization’s “Chapter Tool Kit” step by step and we succeeded on gaining the initial requirement of 75 members in our province and progressed to become a Chapter. We had industrious people on the Coordinating Committee, who guided us through the process with their dedication and wisdom.

The Honourable Judge Lynn Cook-Stanhope, the Honourable Madam Justice Andrea Moen, The Honourable Mr. Justice Bryan Mahoney, Jane Hoffman (lawyer), Patricia Hebert (lawyer), Dr. Bonnie Haave (psychologist), Dr. Stephen Carter (psychologist) and Eileen Ailon (psychologist), formed the Coordinating Committee. The process of setting up the Chapter involved a good deal of time and the completion of many tasks. The committee worked to build the membership base, prepare  the Chapter by-laws, designate a Chapter liaison with the parent organization, develop a web site, develop a financial plan and budget, develop a treasurer’s report and submit financial statements to the Coordinating Committee, gain incorporation under the Societies Act of the Government of Alberta, apply to register as a charity under the Income Tax Act, set up the key committees of the Board of Directors, set up Board Liability Insurance, set up Chapter bank account, design a Chapter logo, and plan for trainings and conferences relevant to Alberta members. It took over 2 years to work through the process to become a Chartered Chapter.


On March 14, 2014, Alberta AFCC held its Inaugural Board of Director’s Meeting at the University of Alberta, Faculty of Law. Dr. Stephen Carter, psychologist, was elected our first President. The members of the first board included: Judge Nancy Flatters, Krista Frohlich (lawyer), Bonnie Have (psychologist), Elise Lavigne, (lawyer), Greg Pickering (psychologist), Nicole Sheldon (psychologist), Barbara Sheptycki (psychologist), Lorri Yasenik (social worker), Jane Hoffman (lawyer) and Eileen Ailon (psychologist). The membership of the board reflected the interdisciplinary, professional backgrounds of members as well as the geographical make up of our province. We alternated Presidents as coming from either Edmonton or Calgary and alternated the location of our annual conferences between these two major centers in Alberta. (Read More)


AFCC Alberta Chapter 

 c/o Mr. Jonathan Tieman, Treasurer,

Maclean Wiedemann Lawyers LLP

422 6th Street S.E. 

Medicine Hat,

Alberta  T1A 1H5


© AFCC Alberta Chapter -  Proudly created with

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